Statewide capital - Posted by Darlene

Posted by Marcos on August 19, 2002 at 14:16:00:

I’ve actually had problems with statewide they strung me along and strung me along and I lost a deal because they couldn’t come up with the funds I needed, and it was only about 45k.

So, I’d beware if I were you. I’d want a pretty solid commitment that their funds would be available.


Statewide capital - Posted by Darlene

Posted by Darlene on August 18, 2002 at 17:09:07:

Does anyone have information on Statewide capital. are they a legitimate company, and if so are they worth working with.

Re: Statewide capital - Posted by Terry (Houston)

Posted by Terry (Houston) on August 18, 2002 at 19:24:26:

If it is the company in Houston, yes they are real. As far as are they worth working with, that would be up to you.

What is it worth to you to get quick money? Only you can answer that. Check out their rates and shop them around.

Terry (Houston)