Small question - Posted by Ms. Leigh

Posted by Ms. Leigh on November 26, 2001 at 22:08:08:

I would, though I live in Florida. Not sure that would work out. Smiles I am an absolute work-a-holic so finding a good deal wouldn’t be a problem (plenty of free time to work with), it’s fronting cash, if needed. Guess I should look to no money down programs.

Ms. Leigh

Small question - Posted by Ms. Leigh

Posted by Ms. Leigh on November 23, 2001 at 12:33:42:

Would people pay you to do the research and point out a good profitable deal, or for finding motivated sellers? How much would you pay, or would it depend on the house? Has anyone done this before?

Basically, have no money and need something to start up investing alone.

Ms. Leigh

Re: The process - Posted by Ed Copp (OH)

Posted by Ed Copp (OH) on November 23, 2001 at 19:04:43:

of bringing buyer and seller together is the function of a Real Estate Broker. So if you do this for a fee, you will need to be licensed in most (if not all) states.

Has anyone done it? Sure, I have and I have the license.

The way to avoid needing the license is to become part of the transaction. If you make an offer to purchase a property, you can then sell your position to another investor before time to close the deal.

Read the “how to” articles, you will find lots of help there.

Re: The process - Posted by Mark

Posted by Mark on November 25, 2001 at 10:18:04:

Ms. Leigh : I live in the Youngstown,OH area, If you found me a deal, a really good deal and all I had to do was to put up the capitol I would be willing to split the profit 50/50. I have a hard time getting the time to search bargains out, what you are talking about is well worth spliting of profits.