Signing documents by Trustee in Land Trust - Posted by CS

Posted by MoniqueUSA on December 08, 2003 at 15:25:38:

Yes, your Trustee could provide a PoA.

Though again, I would think you would prefer to have your out-of-state Trustee sign any critical documents, even after the initial closing.


Signing documents by Trustee in Land Trust - Posted by CS

Posted by CS on December 07, 2003 at 19:40:01:

I understand it is recommended to find a trustee in another state or whatever. Do you need to sign a Co-trustee agreement and have yourself as a Co-trustee so you can sign all the documents and closing statements when you finally close?

Obviously the Trustee in another state will not be able to be at all the closings?

Re: Signing documents by Trustee in Land Trust - Posted by ken

Posted by ken on December 09, 2003 at 20:07:31:

Fedex. Whta if you where selling a property in another state and couldn’t go to closing. The docs would be Fedex to you signed and Fedex back for the closing. Same for out of state trustee.

Absentee Trustee - Posted by MoniqueUSA

Posted by MoniqueUSA on December 07, 2003 at 21:16:51:

If you sign all the publicly recorded closing documents,
then you cancel out the advantages of having an out-of-state trustee.

It’s not uncommon for an attorney to conduct a closing where one of the parties could not attend.
The attorney (or you, which is preferred) can FedEx the closing documents to your Trustee for signature.


Re: Absentee Trustee - Posted by Lyal

Posted by Lyal on December 08, 2003 at 09:54:36:

Can you just get the trustee to sign and notarize a POA for you at the same time the Trust is signed. Drop it in your file and pull it out as necessary?
Thanks, Lyal