Should I get my license? - Posted by DOM

Posted by HR on April 09, 2001 at 08:05:44:


What costs? It will cost you about $1500 to get your license. This is nothing. Once you have the license, you can then have unlimited access to the mls. You’ll save at least $1500 off your first deal, so this will all end up being “free”. As far as how it works as an employee or associate agent, that varies from county to county. Only you will know the answer for your county.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Focus on the big stuff: your knowledge, skills, and experience constantly improving. $1500 is peanuts compared to the benefits.

Good luck,


Should I get my license? - Posted by DOM

Posted by DOM on April 04, 2001 at 15:02:32:

I’ve been studying the Carlton sheets’course since July of
2000,and took a salesperson class October of the same year.The salesperson class was very informative in making me understand real estate more in depth. I took the end of cousre exam and passed, but there is a year deadline for me to take the state exam for a salesperson’s license.

Now I remember what Carlton Sheets had mentioned about making this choice. He said that it was a good decision to make if you wanted to learn more about real estate, which it was,but it makes you look too professional in a seller’s
eyes when trying to make an offer to buy his/her home. This is where my confusion sets in,because I haven’t yet bought any property but I also don’t want to have to go through the salesperson course again when i already took it, because thats what will happen if I don’t make the state exam deadline.(more money out of my pocket!)

If any of you where in this situation, please suggest to me what i should do? thank you email me

Absolutely Yes. - Posted by HR

Posted by HR on April 04, 2001 at 21:38:38:


The whole legal liability issue of having your realtors license and doing deals is WAY overblown imho. Technically, if a deal goes bad, and you don’t disclose you are a realtor, that could come back to haunt you because, as a re pro, you are held to a higher standard. Some suggest that having your license stops you from doing deals, since folks won’t like the fact that you are a realtor.

I think this is ridiculous. A truly motivated seller doesn’t care if you are a realtor, a buddhist, a Yankee, a Mets Fan, or anything else: all they care about is that you solve their problem. If they don’t do the deal because you have the license, trust me: they ain’t a truly motivated seller.

Come to think about it, I haven’t checked the mls from home in awhile. I think I’ll do that tonight.


Question,HR??? - Posted by Jeff in MKE

Posted by Jeff in MKE on April 07, 2001 at 11:35:25:

Hi HR,
In order to get the MLS in your home do you need to be an employeed agent or can you just hold an sales associate license and pay the monthly fee on your own?
I’m looking into getting my license but my first contact wants me spend a fortune on licensing costs for example:
classes $355
State exam $96
license app. fee $44
sales associate costs $245
board of realtors membership $170 app fee $329 membership fee.
error and omission insurance $320
ongoing costs:MLS $25 mo. Realtors technology fee $75 per mo.
I can see the classes,State exam,and app fee but this other stuff I’m not so sure about.
Whats your take on this.
Jeff in MKE
PS. HR,It was an honor for my wife and I to meet you at the convention,though next year I think we’ll be spending a little more time out in the hallway with the rest of the Pro’s.
I found this to be more educational then listening to the sale pitches of the guru’s.
Thanks again,HR