Should I attend? - Posted by OPM-addict

Posted by phil fernandez on March 11, 2005 at 15:25:01:

If it were me, I’d spend the money on one of Joe Kaiser’s foreclosure boot camps or a couple of Joe’s courses.

Should I attend? - Posted by OPM-addict

Posted by OPM-addict on March 10, 2005 at 17:26:26:

There is a one-day “Mortgage Foreclosure 2005” seminar being held by the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (IICLE) this April. It looks like it covers quite a lot of what’s involved on the legal side of foreclosure proceedings. I haven’t yet bought a house in pre-foreclosure but am very interested in going through that route and I was wondering if any of you have gone through one of these legal seminars (I’m not a lawyer), and whether you learned enough new things to apply to your REI.

Here’s the link:

Re: Should I attend? - Posted by Randy (SD)

Posted by Randy (SD) on March 11, 2005 at 09:49:34:

This looks like to the wrong venue for a novice, it appears to be a continuing education program for practicing attorney’s (check out the “ordering information” link).

Re: Should I attend? - Posted by OPM-addict

Posted by OPM-addict on March 11, 2005 at 13:31:55:

Wow, I would have never guessed it was a “continuing education program” from the state institute for “continuing legal education,” (kidding).

I understand it is a seminar that attorneys take to fulfill their annual state credit-hour requirements, but what I’m wondering is, has anyone taken a course like this? It sounds like a real wealth of information that’s applicable to my state and even county. (as opposed to the same courses sold elsewhere, where I doubt they have anywhere near the relevant, updated or real-life applicable information I could learn here)

I could spend $300 on a generic course covering the basic overview of the foreclosure process from a guru or I could learn what the attorneys and investors have to go through every day in this field, what do you guys think?