Short sales? - Posted by David MacGown

Posted by Chris on March 15, 2003 at 19:21:11:

Yes, you can do a short sale on even “pretty houses”. No, the bank won’t ask for your credit. No, this wouldn’t be a “sub to” deal because if the bank does agree to a discount they will want to be paid off in a timely manner (usually 30-45 days from acceptance of your offer.

Chris - THE breakthrough foreclosure investing tool

Short sales? - Posted by David MacGown

Posted by David MacGown on March 15, 2003 at 17:07:34:

Hey everyone!
Got a couple of questions… Can you do a short sale on a property that doesn’t need any repairs? And does the Bank require a credit check? One More for good measure…
Would this be considered a "subject to " between you and the seller?

