Short Sale Pros/ Advice-Listing Requirement? - Posted by Jerry

Posted by Grace on May 31, 2002 at 18:46:17:

Hi Jerry

I also have been working with short sales where the bank has required the property to be listed. So we listed it with my realtor for market value. Now that property needed alot of work. I wasn’t really concerned that it would sell in its condition. But if it did, I worked out a finders fee with my realtor if it sold and promised to list it with him if our offer was accepted.
We are really happy when we are able to help homeowners prevent foreclosure even if we turn out not to be the buyers.
As it turned out, the property didn’t sell through the realtor, and the bank did not accept our short sale offer. It ended up going to sheriff sale where the bank took it back. All that work for nothing. Next…

Short Sale Pros/ Advice-Listing Requirement? - Posted by Jerry

Posted by Jerry on May 31, 2002 at 02:16:59:

I am working on a short sale (pre-foreclosure deal) with Chase Manhattan Bank and they are telling me that the people I am working with must list their property before they can consider a short sale. Is this typical? If so, how do you deal with this? I have a good local realtor who will work with me but it seems this may be a major problem for doing short sales??? Any advice from those who actively work short sales is greatly appreciated. JW