Selling future pension? - Posted by A. Justice

Posted by John Butler on December 08, 2006 at 09:04:38:

i have a hardship-am 52 yr young-have not worked with pension provider since 1980

Selling future pension? - Posted by A. Justice

Posted by A. Justice on February 26, 2003 at 11:36:08:

I have been going to my local courthouse to look for partial interest in real estate as a result of divorce but I come across many more 1/2 interest in pensions. Is it possible to broker/sell these future payments? If so who are the buyers? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

Re: Selling future pension? - Posted by Jon Richards

Posted by Jon Richards on February 28, 2003 at 18:45:35:

Brokering pensions is problematical since most are not “assignable.” However, check out the NoteWorthy data base at

Best of luck

Jon Richards
NoteWorthy Newsletter
415 824 1864

Re: Selling future pension? - Posted by michael noel

Posted by michael noel on April 16, 2004 at 22:41:51:

want to sell my pension plan

Re: Selling future pension? - Posted by MICHAEL TEASDALE

Posted by MICHAEL TEASDALE on June 20, 2003 at 14:41:32:

I have a McDermott UK pension entry date 13 February 1989 it is with the Co-operative Insurance the Purchase price was £5485.00 but I was badly advised by my insurance agent and the Co-operative awarded me single premium £11393.66 cash sum £14075.00 with profits pension date 12 march 2011 I would like to sell this pension can you help
Thank you