seller's mrtgage company? - Posted by jkf

Posted by Ed Garcia on October 22, 2001 at 09:34:19:


There are many ways to go about this.

  1. Is for the borrower to get a name at the mortgage company to give to you. This person at the mortgage can be give authorization to talk to you about the account by the borrower.
  2. Get written authorization just like another creditor would get.

There are other ways, but these are the two that would be best for you at this time.

Ed Garcia

seller’s mrtgage company? - Posted by jkf

Posted by jkf on October 22, 2001 at 06:47:22:

I would like to talk to my seller’s mortgage company. He is behind in payments. Most mortgage companies will not give you the sellers imformation because of the privacy act. What documents will I need from the seller to authorize me to get this imformation? Thanks