SELLER in foreclosure w/ 150K in equity - Posted by Redd(CT)

Posted by dewCO on July 31, 2001 at 14:15:45:

They all want to stay in the house. He can’t stay unless you bail him out! Study the PACturst at

Ask him what he’s going to do when the house goes to foreclousure sale? That’s the time to deal with him. Seems weird it hasn’t yet–after 8 months!

SELLER in foreclosure w/ 150K in equity - Posted by Redd(CT)

Posted by Redd(CT) on July 28, 2001 at 16:16:54:

I got a call from a seller yesterday. He is in foreclosure.
He wants to stay in the house. I was thinking w/ all that equity why doesn’t he refi?

here are the stats:
300K left on the mortgage
450 appraisal on house (last year)

he has been in foreclosure for about 8 months.

he said the PITI is about 3000 per month.


  • I know what I would do if he didn’t want to live in the house b/c if I got the deed…the person I put in the house would put up a down payment to make up the back payments.

YET, the seller wants to keep the house & is willing to share some of his quity to help him keep his house.

any suggestions?

all responses appreciated!