Seller Financing - Posted by James Ferguson

Posted by RussWhitneyConsultant0914 on April 19, 2001 at 14:38:48:

Hi James,

Why are the current numbers bad and what do you intend to do to make them better. Could the current owners do what you plan if they were motivated?

What is the motivation of the owners? Are they just tired of the business of doing business? Have they lost interest?

What is your experience level in hotel management?

These are just a few of the questions you need to answer and post before anyone here can help you very much. If these answers point to a logical and reasonable scenario, then we need to get to real, precise numbers in order to present an offer.

I’ll follow your posts and try to assist, as I know will others. Good Luck.

Russ Whitney Real Estate Consulting Dept.
Whitney Education Group

Seller Financing - Posted by James Ferguson

Posted by James Ferguson on April 19, 2001 at 14:25:15:

I am currently managing a hotel property that is for sale. I would like to purchase it and have the current owners hold the note. Lack of down payment and bad current numbers make conventional financing impossible. The owners are interested and have a very high net worth. Now I need to make a detailed sales pitch to them to make them see that seller financing can be a profitable and secure investment. Could anyone help me out with any ideas and resources? Thank you very much,J.F.

Post this question in the commercial forum (nt) - Posted by Paul_MA

Posted by Paul_MA on April 19, 2001 at 15:08:32:
