Section 8 MHP, How does this work? - Posted by John (TX)

Posted by lasa on September 08, 2005 at 21:05:41:

Section has a strict inspection policy that differs in each city and county. If the park is already section 8 then the homes should be ok. They are minor things like all of the water heaters have to be enclosed if not in a closet, all homes have to be tied down etc. These can add up to be costly. You can get a list from the local office but I would recommend getting it from the city or county you are considering your purchase. Usually counties are more leanient on thier inspections. The good news is they tend to remain occuppied because the section 8 office will do the advertising for you at thier office so you will not have to look for renters. Rent is never late. Generally they do not get too trashed because no one wants to be terminated from getting free rent and you bet you can have them kicked off the program for tearing your stuff up.You can probably generate more revenue by renting sec 8 rather than indivial parties. I can give you all the details that I am familiar with if you email me and give me a way to contact you.

Section 8 MHP, How does this work? - Posted by John (TX)

Posted by John (TX) on September 06, 2005 at 10:27:07:

I’ve found a small park in Texas for 60K, 12 lots. Park-owned homes, all section 8.

I know not a lot of details. I’m looking for insights into how this works, potential problems, etc.
