Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor - Posted by David MacGown

Posted by Chris on August 18, 2000 at 10:17:01:

I have the book and am half way through it, I will tell you that it is one of the best written books relative to REI. Shemin touches on just about every aspect/technique of real estate investing in a very realistic manner to today’s market place. I can also tell just by the reading of this text that Shemin possesses all the attributes of a highly successful Real Estate Entrepreneur. I have read a lot of books relative to REI, such as, Ron LeGrand, Carleton Sheets, John Schaub, A.D. Kessler, and so on. Shemin’s is one of the best, buy it, devour it, and succeed. GREAT BOOK! This guy has his act together.

Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor - Posted by David MacGown

Posted by David MacGown on August 18, 2000 at 24:18:54:

Hey gang, I’ve been camping out at my local Barnes and Noble getting caffeine jitters from excess mocha waiting for Robert Shemin’s new book. It is a hot seller but I was wondering if it’s just marketing hype or is this really an excellent Real Estate investing book.

I would love to get some of your reviews from those who have been lucky enough to read it… any opinions,gripes or cheers?

Thank you,

Re: Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor - Posted by Douglas

Posted by Douglas on August 19, 2000 at 18:32:19:

Hi David:… There are a lot of popular guru names out there. Most of them have material or tapes setting on our shelves. Good. However, let me just say that Robert Shemin is, in my opinion, one of the best. You would do well even if that is all you had on your shelf. Blessed are those who start right by learning from someone that is professional, honest, apt to teach, and doing deals almost daily. That is one reason you don’t hear as much about him as some others who are more apt to self-promotion. What he teaches…he has done. And is doing !