Searching the archives . . . - Posted by Michael (KCMO)

Posted by Michael (KCMO) on January 27, 2004 at 14:08:56:

Yep, I knew it would be something simple. Guess I was just too tired to think straight that morning.

Well, thanks for the help Ryan.

Michael (KCMO)

In my own defense, I did actually figure that out later in the day. (embarassed blush)

Searching the archives . . . - Posted by Michael (KCMO)

Posted by Michael (KCMO) on January 26, 2004 at 06:58:21:

G’ mornin’ all!

Question: . . . . I’ve been reading all the posts each day but didn’t get home 'til LATE last night and didn’t feel like staying up to read everything. Now I’m trying search the archives and find all yesterday’s posts so I can catch up. (Have to make sure I didn’t miss anything, right?) :wink: I tried searching by the date, but it just says “no matches found”. Anyone know how to do this or have any suggestions? I’m sure it’s a simple answer, it just eludes me at the moment.

Thanks for your help,
Michael (KCMO)

Re: Searching the archives . . . - Posted by Ryan_MO

Posted by Ryan_MO on January 26, 2004 at 20:18:09:

Just scroll down… The posts are in order from newest to oldest. Once you get to the bottom of the main MH forum page, then they archived from then.
