Searching for out of state owners - Posted by adam

Posted by JohnMcG on April 02, 2004 at 13:59:26:

I think what he’s looking for is a way to do a general search to find properties that belong to out of state owners in his area. Doesn’t sound like he’s looking for a specific person. Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer to the question.

Searching for out of state owners - Posted by adam

Posted by adam on April 02, 2004 at 12:16:00:

I was just wondering if there was a way to do a general search for people who are living out of state that still own property within my area (columbus, ohio). I still drive around and look for properties that look like they haven’t been attended to in a while. Then I go to the tax assessors office and all that and get the info on the houses. But I was just wondering if there was a general way to do find these people without having to go out and farm the area. Thanks.


Re: Searching for out of state owners - Posted by BOB H

Posted by BOB H on April 02, 2004 at 14:27:23:

Contact your Assessors office and ask them if you can obtain a list
of absentee or non owner occupied properties with the county.

If that is not available, contact a local title company and ask if
they can provide you with a farm package listing the absentee
owners. Generally, they can individualize a package for you based
upon subdivision, price range, geographic location, or any other
criteria that is of public record.

Re: Searching for out of state owners - Posted by Phil B

Posted by Phil B on April 02, 2004 at 12:34:51:

When I try to find someone, The first thing I do is
an internet search. Almost every time I find who I am
looking for because the search engine uses pulic
records for the most part, ie. phone book, drivers
license, car registration …

I use When I am unsure of the state of
residence I leave the field blank. It then checks
nation wide. One problem with that is, if the name is
very common, you will have thousands of returned ‘hits’

Hope this helps