Sales commission in cheap markets? - Posted by Brian (No CA)

Posted by John on September 15, 2005 at 15:19:49:

I believe laws say it is negociable in all states.
That said The agents loose money on every listing they take but they make it up in volume. LOL

Sales commission in cheap markets? - Posted by Brian (No CA)

Posted by Brian (No CA) on September 15, 2005 at 15:07:44:

Just wondering what the typical full service commission is in “cheap” markets where the average home price is $25-$50k? 6% sounds like too little money for the work. I live in CA, where 6% is a relatively big payday for both agents.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Sales commission in cheap markets? - Posted by dealmaker

Posted by dealmaker on September 16, 2005 at 09:32:59:

Kind of funny but I live in a part of the TX Hill Country that has a fair amount of homes in the $50K-$85K range, many in the $85K-$200K and lots of them in the $200K-$850K range.

The latter are mostly in a “destination resort” that is now owned by Marriott Corp. Many of those, particularly above $400K are waterfront. But EVERYTHING here lists for 6%, although I do know some sellers who have negotiated down to 5% on the upper end stuff.

The only thing here that lists for anything more are the empty lots in two older developments. There are lots of lots available in each, generally for $2K-$3K per lot. Those list for 10% but most agents don’t want to list them unless there’s a dozen or so and they have a deal with a builder to put houses on them. It takes two lots to build a house because of size and setback rules.


Re: Sales commission in cheap markets? - Posted by Jason (SC)

Posted by Jason (SC) on September 15, 2005 at 16:50:11:

There is no set rate of commission - it is negotiable.