Russ Whitney Software Needed, any Help? - Posted by Brian

Posted by Brian in Colorado on July 11, 2001 at 23:56:14:

I own the software. It is good. I use it for a lot of analysis and fast breakdown of different scenarios. The contract software is cool and I have used it, but overall, I think it is best to get a copy of the local real estate software and a copy of an investor’s portfolio of forms and addendums and tailor the contract to benefit the buyer (or seller if you are selling). You do not need the software. If you want to do some simple analysis, most books show some examples of how to break down expenses and loan costs…develop something simple on an excel doc until you have the money to purchase the software. I think it is over priced, but I also enjoy the use of the tool.

Russ Whitney Software Needed, any Help? - Posted by Brian

Posted by Brian on July 10, 2001 at 23:06:18:

I attended a Russ Whitney seminar, and I want to find the Success System Software that they were selling. I figured I would find a cheap used copy on ebay or something, but I have found only a few for sale, and not very cheap. Anyone know where to look? Or if you’ve got a copy you are not using, let me know. Anyone have an opinion on the quality of the software?
