Robert Allen free seminar, go or not? - Posted by Dan

Posted by Ronald * Starr(in No CA) on June 24, 2003 at 11:13:05:


No, there are few particular books that are head and shoulders over others. One learns what one can from whatever one studies.

If you will e-mail at, I will discuss this matter further, as I do have some ideas and information which is helpful. On my post for beginners, I give some hints for keeping down the cost of the education. If you haven’t read it, put “beginners success” into the search function of this main board of the CREONLINE.COM website.

Good InvestingRon Starr******

Robert Allen free seminar, go or not? - Posted by Dan

Posted by Dan on June 22, 2003 at 18:25:12:

Hi, I came across this full page ad in the Houston Chronicle advertising free 2 hour seminars set up by Robert G. Allen. The ad states he is under a deadline to create 1,000 millionaires.

Has anyone heard of these free seminars, or have you been to one? I am a 19 year old with the usual wish to become financially independent. I have no experience with Real Estate, in fact I am going to school to be an Auto Technician. What is required for this system to actually work? Will I need any money at all? Will I need good credit? Or am I way in over my head because I have about $100 to my name, poor credit and no knowledge of the business?

Enough rambling, my main question is: Should I go to the seminar or not? lol
I will appreciate any comments you have.

My suggestion: - Posted by Ronald * Starr(in No CA)

Posted by Ronald * Starr(in No CA) on June 23, 2003 at 24:01:04:


Sure, go. It’s free. Just leave all your credit cards, checks, and cash home so you won’t be able to pay him the big bucks he wants.

Or, you might spend your time more productively by reading some good investing books.

Robert Allen is a very good salesperson for his high-priced seminars. I’d recommend never to pay that kind of price for a beginner’s seminar and rarely for a more specialized seminar.

Good Investing**********Ron Starr**************

Re: My suggestion: - Posted by Dan

Posted by Dan on June 23, 2003 at 18:25:40:

Any recommended books for the absolute beginner? What are the “bibles” of this business?