Resurrected Corp - Posted by Leroy

Posted by John Merchant on December 14, 2002 at 14:51:22:

The lot is owned by the stock holders of the defunct original corp., or their heirs.

If you claim any ownership of that lot, you stand a good chance of being prosecuted for theft, and if I were one of the real owners of the defunct corp., or an heir, I’d sue or file a criminal complaint against you in a flash.

Resurrected Corp - Posted by Leroy

Posted by Leroy on December 13, 2002 at 22:36:03:

Situation: Corporation owns vacant lot. Owner of Corporation dies. Corporation dissolves. I start a new corporation with the exact same name (Gold Sneaker Inc.). Who owns the lot?
ps: If you think that this a stupid hypothetical question that could never occur, you are wrong. It has, and I have already started the new corporation.

Thanks for the feedback - Posted by Leroy

Posted by Leroy on December 14, 2002 at 17:05:30:

I’ll go to Plan B. Ironically this guy was big into asset protection, so no one knows he owned this lot.

Re: Resurrected Corp - Posted by JT-IN

Posted by JT-IN on December 14, 2002 at 14:53:46:

There is a difference between being resurrected and forming a new corp… What you mean to say is you formed a new Corp., right…? by the same name as a recently dissolved Corp., but they are two distinct entities…

What if you formed this new Corp, and a Creditor of The Gold Sneaker, Inc. (the former co, that is now dissolved) approached you for payment of the debt. Do you think that you legally owe that sum…? I didn’t think so…

Now what if Donald Trump dies, and someone has a son they name Donald Trump, does he inherit the fortune…? You get the picture, or there would be lots of folks named J.Paul Getty and Nelson Rockefeller.