Responsibility for ALL Utilties? - Posted by Blondmoo

Posted by Frank Chin on April 12, 2007 at 13:42:57:


I write into the lease, for example, the tenant pays the water bills. True enough, I had a tenant who agreed to be billed direct, then moved, and I found out they didn’t pay the water for over a year. In that municipality, they can put a lein on the house.

So the next tenant, I had the water bills mailed to me, I pay it, then photocopy the bill, have them pay me per the lease.

I don’t play cute like one landlord I heard about that tacks on handling charges for copying and mailing the bill, from what I’m told, for $5.00.

Bottomline, you can negotiate and have tenants cover the bills, but it doesn’t have to mean they get billed directly.

Frank Chin

Responsibility for ALL Utilties? - Posted by Blondmoo

Posted by Blondmoo on April 12, 2007 at 10:18:26:

I am doing a lease option for a single family house. I always thought that as the landlord I had to pay for the water, sewer and garbage fees because I am the owner and they can become liens on the property if not paid. I was just told by another landlord who has been around for a long time that I can have the tenant pay these utilities because it is a single family home they intend to buy. Just send them the quartlerly bill and have them forward the check to me first so I know its paid. I am in NY if that makes any difference.Any thouights on this would be appreciated.