Residential or Commercial? Which is best way? - Posted by Bill

Posted by Dan on July 07, 2007 at 10:52:10:

Shoot me an email ( with your number…I can give you a call next week to speak further.

Have a good weekend

Residential or Commercial? Which is best way? - Posted by Bill

Posted by Bill on April 20, 2007 at 10:06:18:

Hi All experience investors,

I am a beginner and I am deciding whether i should start and concentrate in residential or commercial real estate investing?

Can any of you experienced investors give me some advice and directions, particularly, i want to know:

  1. which is easier to start, residential or commercial?
  2. which route can acheive finacial freedom faster? (I know it take many years to do that, but i want to know which side is more doable?)
  3. which route can really build wealth in the long run… not just monthly cash flow?
  4. can you provide me a sample road-map to achieve financial freedome through commercial real estate? (eg. start buying a small store, rent it out, then another, then rent it out, then wait for a few years, sell the store, buy a bigger property … etc.) I understand people usually invest in residential rental real estate, one house at a time, and when they retire, they can have monthly cash flow for their retirement… But i am not looking to do this. I am looking to invest in real estate and that will become my business, and i plan to keep investing and grow the company. Sam Zell is my role model… I am not sure whether I can achieve the same success, but that is my direction - to build a investment company in real estate. Maybe that sound naive… but that is my dream, and I am equipping myself to do that.

Any advice will be very much appreciated. If you have done that… please kindly share your experience and insight. What kind of experience, backgroud, capital will be necessary to achieve that kind of success.

Thanks so much for all the info you guys shared on this site!


Re: Residential or Commercial? Which is best way? - Posted by ray@lcorn

Posted by ray@lcorn on April 25, 2007 at 11:14:19:


The short answer to each of your questions is the same… it depends… on your talents, resources, time available and location.

The longer answer would require knowledge of the above factors for anything other than general opinions based on personal experience.

For example, I would answer your questions as follows:

  1. Residential is easier to start with, but takes a lot of personal time and attention.
  2. Commercial generally makes more money per transaction.
  3. Commercial builds long-term wealth by design.
  4. Yes, I have written a road map for building wealth with Commercial Real Estate. See

Please pardon the shameless plug,


p.s. in reference to your post below, this board is frequented by a number of very experienced investors, lenders, brokers, lawyers and appraisers, as well as those just starting out, others making the shift from residential to commercial, and many who would like to. You’ll find them all eager to help, but it’s generally best to be as specific as possible. For general information, check out the articles section of the website. For an index of commercial articles, see

Re: Residential or Commercial? Which is best way? - Posted by landry

Posted by landry on April 23, 2007 at 14:42:10:

I am interested in the answers too. Bill what feedback did you receive?

Re: Residential or Commercial? Which is best way? - Posted by Bill

Posted by Bill on April 25, 2007 at 16:04:30:


Thank you for your reply.

Yes, from the reply of the other questions, I could see that the people who answered those questions were experienced investors themselves.

Thanks for the info provided.

All the best to you and your company.


Re: Residential or Commercial? Which is best way? - Posted by Bill

Posted by Bill on April 24, 2007 at 16:22:11:

no response yet… looks like this board is not very active… will try to post messages on other places… or maybe this board’s readers are all real investors and they are busy investing… but other boards are just wanna-be investors and so a lot of time reading and answering questions :slight_smile:

Re: Residential or Commercial? Which is best way? - Posted by Dan

Posted by Dan on June 05, 2007 at 14:56:04:


I work with Boston Equity Investments in South Boston, MA. We are looking for investors for both residential and commercial properties. Our programs are hands-off investments and perfect for someone like you eager to get into real estate investing. Let me know if you want to hear more about our programs.

Re: Residential or Commercial? Which is best way? - Posted by Peter

Posted by Peter on July 05, 2007 at 15:45:00:

Hello Dan. Yes I would be interested in learning more about your program to start real estate investing.