rental two an engaged couple - Posted by Gary

Posted by dealmaker on July 13, 2006 at 20:45:30:

Both names on the lease, explain “joint and several” liability to them. If not and they break up the remaining one will stay and have a new partner within a week, then they’ll break up and the “original” tenant will move on, the stay behind will get a new “squeeze” and you’ll end up with two tenants, NEITHER of which is on the lease.

Cynical through experience!


rental two an engaged couple - Posted by Gary

Posted by Gary on July 13, 2006 at 19:36:48:

If I rent to an engaged couple, do I prepare a lease that has both names and are both financially responsible or do I put the lease in one person’s name and rely soley on the financial capability of that one person rather than both. I am thinking ahead to the possibility that maybe they will break up, one will leave, then how do I hold who responsible for the rent, apartment damage, etc.

Re: rental two an engaged couple - Posted by ken

Posted by ken on July 13, 2006 at 22:19:11:

Get all their info,employment,bank accounts, Social security numbers in case you have to chase them. The more effort you put into getting the right tenant the less trouble you will have later