rental application fee in CA? - Posted by michaela-CA

Posted by michaela-CA on August 29, 2007 at 16:29:18:

Thanks, rich, they decided to refund, after I did some research on the law.


rental application fee in CA? - Posted by michaela-CA

Posted by michaela-CA on August 28, 2007 at 15:11:02:

Since I’m still kind of moving around, I had applied to rent a house on saturday. THey asked for a $ 300 fee and were asking for perfect credit. I don’t have that, but I figured I have plenty of cash and assets, that they could see that I was a good risk. I had even offered to let them put a small lien on one of my lots as additional security, because I really wanted the house. And if you hav ea dog hardly enyone wants to rent to you. So, this house was perfect.

Well, they turned me down and are now keeping my $ 300. So, I’m not really happy about that. Is there a particular maximum, that a company can charge as applicatoin fee?



Re: rental application fee in CA? - Posted by Rich-CA

Posted by Rich-CA on August 28, 2007 at 17:28:18:

I was going to say that would be excessive. Usually you get charged for the credit/background check and some fee for their time to process it - more in the range of $40 - 50. I have never heard of $300, unless it includes the holding deposit, which gets forfeited if they approve you and you decline.

Never mind - she’s returning it n/t - Posted by michaela-CA

Posted by michaela-CA on August 28, 2007 at 16:38:32: