Rent stabilized apt. building a good investment? - Posted by Kathleen

Posted by Ian on December 16, 2004 at 09:25:49:


First and foremost, you should absolutely go see the property. If you wind up not buying the place all you’ve lost is 30 minutes. However, with every property you go see you learn something, so the more the better.

As for whether this is a good deal are not, assuming your expense numbers are all inclusive and accurate and your gross income is accurate, at $399K the seller is trying to sell this property at a 6.9% cap rate. Now, it depends on what market your in, but this is a relatively low cap rate, especially for a small building. If it were me, I woudln’t buy it for anything less than an 8% or 10% cap rate, which would be $274K and $343K respectively. So, your initial offer price range of $275K-$300K is right on in my opinion.

As for comps, the comps from Domania are okay for single families, but aren’t that great for commercial real estate, which a 5-unit building is considered. Make sure you go out and visit all the comps you’re using before you rely on their applicability to determine your offer price.

Another option would be to do a discounted cash flow and net present value analysis in order to determine the price you want to offer for the building.

Without additional information that is the most in-depth response I’ll venture to provide. I hope this helped.

–Ian (Chicago)

Rent stabilized apt. building a good investment? - Posted by Kathleen

Posted by Kathleen on December 14, 2004 at 12:48:00:

I’m going to see a 5 unit rent stabilized home tomorrow. My question is, should I really go see it? The gross annual income is $44,500, the annual expenses are $17100. It’s being sold for $399K, but was just purchased a year ago for $170K. I guess the person is trying to flip it, since he brought it in June 03 and then put it on the market a few months later. As of this month, it’s been on the market for a year. Anyway, is this considered a commercial property since it has more than 4 units and where can I get financing for this? I was told that I would need 20% down. Can I do seller’s concession for the 20% down? Also, I was thinking of offering $275-$300K, based off of some comps I got from Low: $176 and High: $375K, but I need to find out the types of homes these are. Anyway, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Apts. are currently rented by elderly people and there are 4-2BR units and 1-4BR unit, the latter can be vacated immediately, which is probably where the owner lives. I want to rent out all of the units.