Remodeling ranch houses? - Posted by LeonNC

Posted by michaela-ATL on March 16, 2005 at 09:20:35:

as previous posters suggested: See what those 250k houses in the area offer. Are they the same size as yours? Same number of Bedrooms and baths?

THey say, that it’s the KCB’s, that sell a house. That
stands for ‘Kitchen, Closets, Bathrooms’. So, you may want to put more emphasis on those rooms.


Remodeling ranch houses? - Posted by LeonNC

Posted by LeonNC on March 16, 2005 at 24:15:03:

I live in a 1400sqft ranch house with no garage. After living here for the last ten years we’d like to either do something with this house or finally just move.

The average price of a house in our area is probably $250k. And that’s if it’s not ON the lake. My house is probably worth $120k.

Is there a construction method that I can use that will increase the value more than another. For instance would the value of my house be more per dollar spent if I went up a story or blew the house out in the back and put a new roof on.

What type of contractor would be the best at looking at something like this and knowing which senario would work best for a particular house?

I guess this would fall under the better and higher use formula for investing. I’m not sure it would be the best thing to do for my house but it sounds like something worth looking into not only for my house but other possibilities too.
