REI in Illinois - Posted by John

Posted by John on April 17, 2003 at 01:06:16:

Thanks for your input Adam. I was thinking of going into the buisness, but was unsure about the reliability of the info in the course. Sounds like you are satisfied so far.

REI in Illinois - Posted by John

Posted by John on April 14, 2003 at 24:07:40:

I have been watching the commercials for Carleton Sheets system, and would like to know if anyone has had any experiance with REI in the Arlington Heights/Schaumburg area of Illinois, northwest of Chicago. I dont beleive that everyone that orders his system will have results like the investors on his infomercials, but I would like to be able to make a little extra income. Also can some one sum up in a few sentances what exactly is done when someone orders the system? Is it basically buying a house and renting it, like a landlord? I am trying to learn about REI, but I do not know much about it yet.

Re: REI in Illinois - Posted by Adam

Posted by Adam on April 14, 2003 at 18:24:02:

I’m actually in the Schaumburg area myself. I recently got the course and it’s pretty thorough. Yes, his main strategy is buying and holding for rental income. The course is a workbook, cds, and a portfolio of legal forms, and analysis forms.