REI Franchises? - Anyone know anything? - Posted by Brian

Posted by JT-IN on November 23, 2002 at 10:16:06:


REI Franchises? - Anyone know anything? - Posted by Brian

Posted by Brian on November 23, 2002 at 09:37:40:

I have recently been solicited about an upcoming franchise offering for a REI company. Same things we all discuss on this board every day. Only they would have National name, national contacts, contacts with lenders selling homes, etc.

You get the idea this sounds great. Is it for real though. Can anyone comment on any other similar ventures they are familiar with.

Seems to me this might work if you could provide funding for these franchisees.

I am currently franchising a coffee shop that I started and own six stores. Franchising is an expensive and detailed process but I could see that it might work in REI.

Any comments.
