Rehabbers: How much wood floor is too much? - Posted by db

Posted by David Krulac on October 17, 2005 at 06:44:03:

if the floors are in good condition hardwood, I would leave all the floors exposed. Hardwood is more expensive than carpet and commands more money in a sale.

Rehabbers: How much wood floor is too much? - Posted by db

Posted by db on October 16, 2005 at 23:21:11:

Just ripped out the carpet in a 50’s ranch yesterday that I’m rehabbing to sell and found beautiful hardwood in great condition. This is a small two bedroom house. Is hardwood in the living area, hallway, and two bedrooms too much? Should I carpet only the bedrooms? Any advice appreciated.


Re: Rehabbers: How much wood floor is too much? - Posted by ken in sc

Posted by ken in sc on October 17, 2005 at 14:51:04:

I agree with the others. In my market it sells well. Check listings in your area and see if the agents brag about the hardwoods. I like to sand lightly, clean them well, then paint with clear poly and the shine is unbelievable.


Re: Rehabbers: How much wood floor is too much? - Posted by JeffGinFL

Posted by JeffGinFL on October 17, 2005 at 09:43:09:

I echo what you have heard so far - if the hardwood is in good shape, you have made a great find! People like it and it really helps sell places. This year, I started doing laminate in all of my rehabs - mainly everywhere but the bedrooms. Though it isn’t real wood, people still love it. Most people think it’s an upgrade to the floor.
Real wood floors would be an upgrade in my opinion and you should price the home accordingly, given everything else being in good shape when you are completed.

If the wood is good, don’t cover any of it. Most folks have no problem getting some sort of throw rug if they want some kind of coverage in a bedroom.

Good luck.


Re: Rehabbers: How much wood floor is too much? - Posted by michaela-ATL

Posted by michaela-ATL on October 17, 2005 at 06:46:27:

The way I see it, the more hardwoods the better. Here woodfloors are superior to carpet. In my house, I have hardwoods in every room, except for the masterbath, which
was an addition. Some of that may depend on your area’s preference, though
