rehab loans - Posted by kelly64

Posted by Thomas Mote, CPM on July 04, 2005 at 13:44:47:

Yes you absolutely can, on both counts. This is primarily a function of loan to value ratios on the projects you are working on.

What state are you in?

rehab loans - Posted by kelly64

Posted by kelly64 on July 04, 2005 at 10:23:34:

Can i get loans to rehab houses with no money down,
I have a 780 Fico score
or can i get loans on a fixer-upper houses
Thank You

Re: rehab loans - Posted by Paula

Posted by Paula on July 16, 2005 at 22:05:43:

Not able to see the replies/followups. Question is can you do the same if you have a FICO score of 620? and/or if the property is bank owned?

I am located in Ohio