rehab contracts - Posted by Anthony

Posted by TomC_MI on December 07, 2003 at 09:26:20:

I am a builder and in all of my contracts I put an estimated completion date. Now of course there are several factors that can influence the finish date such as acts of nature, material shortages, and change orders to name a few. I guess if he is willing to sign a contract that will penalize him if he doesn’t complete the poject on time then just add it to the contract you use, charging a set percentage each day he is over. I am assuming the person is cheap or you probably wouldn’t be debating this issue. You know what they say “you get what you pay for.” Good Luck!

rehab contracts - Posted by Anthony

Posted by Anthony on December 07, 2003 at 05:53:25:

I just recently hired an individual to do a rehab project for me. He does very good work but is very slow. He states he wants the job and his price is reasonable. I am looking for a contract that will penalize him if he is late so that this project will be completed in a reasonable time frame. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate their help! Thanks in advance, Anthony