Realtor Wants To Do Some Deals - Posted by NjAgent

Posted by WeRealtyDo! on February 07, 2007 at 17:41:17:

Carey is right, but I must add that you are a realtor and you have a major advantage over the rest of us.

Wishing you the best!

Realtor Wants To Do Some Deals - Posted by NjAgent

Posted by NjAgent on February 07, 2007 at 16:26:25:

I’m a realtor in NJ and I wanted to start doing some deals for myself since I’m in the field every day talking with sellers.

I really have no major cash but I would like to do Subject To & Lease OPtion deals.

I haven’t been able to find anyone local who does this stuff.

All of the guys I know who do deals are buying handymans and fixing them up.

Do these things work in NJ or is it illegal / questionable?

Thank You


Re: Realtor Wants To Do Some Deals - Posted by Carey_PA

Posted by Carey_PA on February 07, 2007 at 16:40:42:

Hello NJ Realtor,

I’m a PA Realtor and yes those things work in NJ, PA, DE, and any other state.

The key is to look for motivated SELLERS not houses. When you find them, talk to them and figure out their needs and then try to construct a deal with them. A sub2 or a L/O may not always work for each situation, you have to kinda go with the situation.

You may want to try to target tired landlords for L/O’s…just a thought.

You can also wholesale deals…get them under contract for cheap and then wholesale them to the investors that are buying the handyman deals and fixing them up.

There’s plenty of information and knowledgable people on this site.
