Realistate Investment Clubs - Posted by John Zuchowsky

Posted by Joshua Cotten on June 18, 2001 at 18:31:08:

I am a new invester as well, and I would like to keep in contact with you to discuss some techniques and strategies. Feel free to e-mail me to chat back and forth. Thanks Josh

Realistate Investment Clubs - Posted by John Zuchowsky

Posted by John Zuchowsky on September 03, 2000 at 24:51:06:

Interested in starting a Realistate Investment Club in the Chas, SC area. Have checked with the NEIA (???) and found no listing but understand they have not listed all as of yet.
The only thing I have to base starting a club on are the regular investment clubs (stocks, bonds and such), at first that put me off from even trying as you are limited to only 50 people and the SEC becomes part of your life. Then there are the scam artists who always turn the simple into almost near impossible for those wanting to be honest. I had nearly given up hope till I talked to some friends who are very curious of my ambitions.
I own my own small business currently and support realistate sales agents and developers among others in my profession and I just can’t believe how much money I have seen made over the past couple of years. For those looking into realistate or who have been doing it can confirm, I’m honestly talking of not thousands but millions of dollars in flips, rentals and developement. While I can’t afford to invest on my own I have kicked around creating some type of club for over three years now and kick myself at the opprotunities that are offered to me everyday only to be dismissed for lack of funds or backing. I don’t claim to know everything, but I do know how to ask, read and research which is why I am here … I’m tired of giving excuses and want to get my share of the action and if I can help others along the way I’ll feel that much better about getting off my butt.
I’m looking to pick someones brain on things like;
Has anyone been part of one of these clubs?
Has anyone started there own club?
Is there a better way than starting a club?
Where can I learn of the legalities involved?
Where can I learn how to set things up for a club?
Should I incorperate it?
I have the will and the opprotunity, the funds and the legal ease/understanding is what I search for now to start this venture and keep it reputable for all involved or seeking the same.

Thanks in advance … I hope you all have a great labor day.


Re: Realistate Investment Clubs - Posted by chris

Posted by chris on September 09, 2000 at 10:37:45:

John- will provide guidance for starting a real estate club in your area.