Real estate websites - Posted by william

Posted by Rodney on June 22, 2004 at 15:14:10:

Email me specifics ( There are many good web site templates ( and skill sets that are inexpensive. Just give me an idea of what you are after and I will try to point you in the right direction. There is also sound web hosting out there from $2.95/mo that offers high bandwidth…

Real estate websites - Posted by william

Posted by william on June 21, 2004 at 20:00:35:

Good evening everyone. I was wanting to know if anyone can point me in the direction of finding a good website developer. Who is very reasonable, that would be able to create a marketable website on wholesaling,and rehabbing. Preferably someone who is knowledgable about creative real estate investing. Thanks for your assistance it will gladly appreciated, William