Read a GREAT book I want to recommend to Newbies........ - Posted by Mike -TX

Posted by Craig on September 06, 2000 at 14:06:51:

2 great ones by Jack Cummings

“The McGraw Hill 36 Hour Real Estate Investment Course”
(It’s a book)

“Real Estate Finance and Investment Manual”

Read a GREAT book I want to recommend to Newbies… - Posted by Mike -TX

Posted by Mike -TX on September 06, 2000 at 13:44:52:


I just wanted to let other newbies out there know (since this information was valuable to me) about a book that really covers the BASICS. I have been reading all about REI, the articles and the posts here, and learned quite a bit…I have also read Sheets course, and a few by Kaiser and Bronchick. But with absolutely NO previous real estate experience (never even bought my own home), I was a little lost about the transaction details and process. So, I bought a book for $15 and the title is “All About Escrow and Real Estate Closings” by Sandy Gadow.

This book covered all the steps in the escrow process, and also delved into some creative finance techniques (subject-to, assumption, land contract/CFD)and gave a good overview of how to create notes for seller financing. This book answered almost all of the newbie questions I repeatedly see here, and could be a great primer for anyone with an interest. All in all, a great read for a beginner…I hope this helps others out there that are clueless like me!!!

Does anyone else have any suggestions for books (not courses) that would help someone create a GREAT reference library in this business? I have read several, but I would like to know what others think. Thanks for your response and/or time.

Mike - TX

Three more - Posted by L.A.

Posted by L.A. on September 10, 2000 at 04:32:50:

(1) Think Like A Tycoon by Bill Green

(2) Zero Down Deals by Steve Thomas

(3) Zeckendorf

Re: Read a GREAT book I want to recommend to Newbies… - Posted by chris

Posted by chris on September 08, 2000 at 13:16:17:

How To Negotiate Real Estate Contracts by Atty Mark Warda

Owner Will Carry by Bill Broadbent

By the way the web site Sandy Gadow(the author of the book you mention) has is at
where you can find more great free info.

Re: Read a GREAT book I want to recommend to Newbies… - Posted by Mrs SD

Posted by Mrs SD on September 07, 2000 at 08:50:17:

Thank you, Mike, Craig, Eric and Jim! I will be following up on every one of these reading suggestions!

Here’s A List… - Posted by Jim Kennedy - Houston, TX

Posted by Jim Kennedy - Houston, TX on September 07, 2000 at 24:22:03:

Here is a list, in no particular order, which should give any newbie a good start. Some of these books are out of print but occasionally they might show up on e-bay.

If You Want To Be Rich & Happy Don?t Go To School? by Robert T. Kiyosaki (1992)
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki (1997)
The Cashflow Quadrant by Robert T. Kiyosaki (1998)
Rich Dad’s Guide To Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (2000)
Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason (1926)
Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1937)
The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino (1968)
How I Turned $1,000 Into 3 Million In Real Estate ? In My Spare Time by William Nickerson (1959)
Landlording by Leigh Robinson (1975)
How You Can Become Financially Independent By Investing In Real Estate by Albert J. Lowry (1977)
How To Wake Up The Financial Genius Inside You by Mark O. Haroldsen (1976)
Goals, Guts And Greatness by Mark O. Haroldsen (1983)
How To Develop The Courage To Be Rich by Mark O. Haroldsen (1985)
Nothing Down by Robert Allen
Creating Wealth by Robert Allen (1986)
Multiple Income Streams by Robert Allen (2000)
Real Estate Money Machine (revised edition) by Wade B. Cook (1996)
101 Way To Buy Real Estate Without Cash by Wade B. Cook (1998)
The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. & William D. Danko, Ph.D.(1996)
Find It, Buy It, Fix It by Robert Irwin (1996)
Buy It, Fix It, Sell It: Profit by Kevin C. Myers (1997)
5 Magic Paths To Making A Fortune In Real Estate by James Lumley (2000)
Investing In Real Estate (second edition) by Andrew McLean and Gary W. Eldred (1996)
How to Make Big Money in Real Estate in the Tighter, Tougher 90s Market by Tyler G. Hicks
Real Estate Investments and How to Make Them by Milt Tanzer (1997)
The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Real Estate Investment Course by Jack Cummings (1992)
Real Estate Finance and Investment Manual by Jack Cummings (1997)
The Yes-I-Can Guide to Mastering Real Estate by Steven Jay Fogel
The 16% Solution by Joel S. Moskowitz (1994)
Unofficial Guide to Real Estate Investing by Martin Stone, Spencer Strauss, William Bronchick, Warren Ladenheim, and Ed Stevens (2000)
Invest in Debt by Jimmy Napier (1983)
No Credit Required: How to Buy a House When You Don’t Qualify for a Mortgage by Ray Mungo (1993)
The Hidden Secrets Of A Real Estate Technician by Bryan Wittenmyer
Goldmining in Foreclosure Properties (third edition) by George Achenbach (1994)
All About Escrow (sixth edition) by Sandy Gadow (1999)

Hope this helps.

Best of Success!!

Jim Kennedy,
Houston, TX

re: I typically recommend “Investing in Real Estate” by McLean for beginning (nt) - Posted by eric-fl

Posted by eric-fl on September 06, 2000 at 16:08:47: