RE: Leadership skills and getting deals done... - Posted by ChrisC

Posted by jasonrei on January 08, 2005 at 19:44:04:

Amen, took me too long to learn that one.

RE: Leadership skills and getting deals done… - Posted by ChrisC

Posted by ChrisC on January 07, 2005 at 18:05:44:

Hello all,

I know that Leadership skills are not an official Real Estate category, but after doing my first 2 deals (small ones, pro’s would consider tiny) I felt afterwards that one of my biggest obstacles was getting people to work together(and smoothly). I see Roger Dawson has a book on “Power Persausion” but wouldn’t it be worth having one book on “Leadership” or “Leading Teams” or something to that effect? Doesn’t a full-time Professional Investor have to lead all the time? Any book suggestions? (I liked Joe Lombardi Jr’s book about his dad, and Hackworth’s book, Steel my Soldier’s Hearts. But these guys were not business men. Just my 2 cents…



RE: Leadership skills and getting deals done… - Posted by Colin

Posted by Colin on January 09, 2005 at 05:30:47:

Hi Chris, have you read “How to win friends, and influence people” by Dale Carnegie? It is a classic that is worth a read, and it can be bought cheaply enough nowadays on Amazon.

Hit the nail on the head… - Posted by Jim FL

Posted by Jim FL on January 07, 2005 at 18:39:54:

I would agree 100%.
In fact, I think you nailed it.
Leadership is very important.
You must be able to lead the entire deal, and everyone involved to one final goal, and that is payday.
To me, this is where we really earn our keep as investors.
And yes, it is often difficult to lead others to do things they should, or need to, in order to obtain that end goal…getting paid.
We must lead sellers to a solution.
We must lead buyers to our product, and lead them to funding many times.
Lead ourselves to make things work at all times during the deal.
Lead lawyers, title companies, lenders, surveyors, etc, to get things done…

Frankly, I’m not a good leader, at least, I don’t think so.
The best way I’ve found to pursuade people is to show them what is at stake if they fail to perform, and then lead them by the hand if needed, to get things done.
By prodding them relentlessly, with daily phone calls, or visits to their offices.
The old adage, the squeaky wheel gets the grease has worked for me many times over.

What books teach that?
Perhaps the ones you mentioned, because frankly whether they are written by business people, or not, being a good/great leader is a skill that can be applied to any situation.
I too liked Lombardi’s book by the way.

Good topic, it will be interesting to see what others have to say.
Take care,
Jim FL

Re: Hit the nail on the head… - Posted by dave

Posted by dave on January 08, 2005 at 01:09:34:

the only way to do a deal is to absolutely take it over. most of the people you’ll work with get a salary and have no concept of getting results in a reasonable amount of time