RE Contracts and Documents - Posted by Korey

Posted by Pat on May 17, 2004 at 20:33:56:

Use the contracts and documents common to your state. Generally speaking, the documents offered by the “gurus” in their courses and on their websites are generic and in order to cover the legal requirements of every state (virtually impossible), are long and complicated. Each state has it’s own special requirements for P&S contracts and especially lease forms. What is legal in one is illegal in another. Rather than having to spend hours “doctoring” generic contracts, get copies of the ones in your state. They are designed for that area, familiar to the parties involved, and will less likely cause the person you are dealing with to run to the ultimate deal killer…a lawyer.

RE Contracts and Documents - Posted by Korey

Posted by Korey on May 17, 2004 at 11:59:27:

I’m looking for opinions on the contracts and documents that are sold on this site. Which ones offer the best value for the money for lease/options and basic purchase and sales agreements?