qustion for ed - Posted by Jay

Posted by Ed Garcia on October 15, 2002 at 10:45:33:


It is possible to do 100% financing depending on the lender, how strong is the borrower, seller cooperation, and how good of a deal it is?


I could go to my bank right now and they would 100% finance it for me because they know that I would have structured the deal at 70% of market value for them.

  1. I would either have purchased it at 70% below market.
  2. I would structure it with a seller carry back giving them a 70% LTV of market still allowing me to purchase it with 100% financing.
  3. Of course you can always buy it on a land contract if the seller will carry?

These are just a few ways that it’s done. Many times we can use combinations of above to be creative as well as, lease/option, partner with money, etc

Ed Garcia

qustion for ed - Posted by Jay

Posted by Jay on October 14, 2002 at 14:49:45:

HI Ed is it possible to finance a 8 fam up to 100% or at least 95 % ?