Questions For Mr. Bronchick - Posted by Larry J

Posted by BTI on August 17, 2006 at 21:09:50:


Saw your post with no response, so I will, and say as I’ve said many times before to that same question, In California the Bar Assn says there are three times to use an installment land contract in California, never, never, and never.

This status is due to an overwhelming amount of case law on the subject, and no correcting legislature to offset the case law.


Questions For Mr. Bronchick - Posted by Larry J

Posted by Larry J on August 02, 2006 at 16:30:16:

I have your course “Alternative Real Estate Financing” and I am located in the State of California.

When PURCHASE, which is preferable over the other, AITD or Contract for Deed? Is that the same for AITD when I use your escrow instruction?

When SELL, which one is better?

And what happens when the buyers(either investor and endbuyer) default?

Thank you very much for your help,

Larry J.