Questions about Foreclosure Investing Marketing... - Posted by Drew(VA)

Posted by BTI on November 04, 2006 at 20:22:08:


Do the time tested way to find out, split the lead list into thirds and try each. Often what works in my area won’t work as well in yours and vice-versa, this way you will find out. Try it for 3 months and then kill the worst method and keep trying the other two for 3 more months.


Questions about Foreclosure Investing Marketing… - Posted by Drew(VA)

Posted by Drew(VA) on November 04, 2006 at 14:59:44:

I live in a nonjudicial foreclosure state working with Deeds of Trust. The biggest problem is effectiving marketing to these leads. With a total foreclosure turnaround time of 3-5 weeks once it hits the courthouse/newspaper. Would you all think Doorknocking would be the most effective method of contact? I’ve been trying a single letter at the beginning of the process, but I have begun to think that a 3 part series might invoke a little more trust for someone willing to deal. My cost per lead would increase, but it may increase my overall conversion rate…Should I incorporate all 3 ideas, or would a 3 part letter be just as effective as a 1 page letter. Any ideas?