question about borrowed down payment funds - Posted by shyan ho

Posted by TomG on June 15, 2002 at 06:22:52:

It all depends on the lender. Some will required what is called “seasoned funds” usually meaning that you can prove that you have had this money for 2 months according to your bank statements. Some will not require this and will allow a “gifted” down payment. One that I deal with is Bank of America, they have conventional loans that allows gifts. Chase Manhattan Mortgage is also starting to do some conventional deals with us. Also, instead of borrowing these funds from your relative then repaying with interest, you could allow my company to give you a free grant that you do not have to repay. feel free to ask me questions after reading the website.

question about borrowed down payment funds - Posted by shyan ho

Posted by shyan ho on June 14, 2002 at 21:35:37:

I am able to borrow money from a relative for down payment at very favorable terms to buy an investment property and I also have good credit.

My question is do I have to deposit this borrowed funds in my bank account for a certain period of time before applying for a purchase loan from a conventional lender?

Will a conventional lender even care where the down payment comes from?

Please help.

Shyan Ho