property photos while tenant is in premises? - Posted by Frank

Posted by John Merchant on September 21, 2009 at 19:55:01:

Great idea to memorialize the prop’s condition while the T’s still there and before he’s had time to trash the place when moving out.

No Fed laws yet but can’t speak for CA.

property photos while tenant is in premises? - Posted by Frank

Posted by Frank on September 10, 2009 at 18:55:33:

The property in question (PIQ) is in Calif. No current rent control for the city.

One week before the tenants are to vacate the property, the reason is non-renewal of lease due to lease expiration. The tenants complained about some minor problems that they wanted repaired. I took a repairman and a camera out to the property at the pre-agreed to time. After the service inspection, I started taking photos of the home?s interior. The tenant, who has always been very hostile and abrasive, demanded that I stop. I informed them that I had that right as a landlord to photograph the property and if they prefer we could request an officer?s presence to verify and oversee the process.

Are there any California or Federal renter?s rights that would prevent a landlord from photographing a property just before a tenant vacate to memorialize furniture placement, general condition, etc.?