Private Lenders in Houston Texas - Posted by Heather -Tx

Posted by Heather_Tx on January 18, 2005 at 12:14:20:

I received a few emails in reply to this post. Unfortunately my computer is down at the moment and I am working to fix the problem now. I will email those that responded to me as soon as I get the problem fixed. I didn’t want anything to think I was ignoring their emails =)

Heather Zaal

Private Lenders in Houston Texas - Posted by Heather -Tx

Posted by Heather -Tx on January 12, 2005 at 11:47:48:

I am wondering if there are any private lenders here that lend on properties in Houston Texas ? I partnered my first couple deals for the funds, then moved on to using a private lender and also family money for funds for deals at 8-13% interest only payments on . Lately I have been looking at sub2 more (have done 2) and need funds for mainly the repairs and holding costs. With the funds available I can easliy do one house at a time, but would like to have 2 going at once (3 at the most) At the time I Have one rehab up for resell, and can’t get another started until I get the funds out to reuse. So therefore am looking for another private lender =) If anyone is interested, please take the no spam out of my email to contact me…

Thanks in Advance,
Heather Texas