Preliminary Title Search in CA - Posted by Sasha

Posted by Bill on November 09, 2001 at 08:55:55:

Ask them for a “Property profile”, rather than a preliminary title report. It will have most of the same information, but they will not guarantee it. Its usually free if you can convince them that you will be doing business with them on a regular basis.

Preliminary Title Search in CA - Posted by Sasha

Posted by Sasha on November 09, 2001 at 03:07:35:

I’m in California. I need to get a preliminary title search. I have contacted several title agencies and they have all quoted a price of around $350 to do a prelim.

I thought most companies will do this for free or for a small fee, e.g. $50 -$100.

I mentioned I was an investor and would be a regular customer, but they said their fees are State regulated and can’t change them.

My question is to other CA investors, is this what you have experienced?

Re: Preliminary Title Search in CA - Posted by Dan

Posted by Dan on November 09, 2001 at 13:17:42:

We’re in San Diego. We go through Chicago Title downtown fofice. They supply everything to us free of charge. And when we do a deal, we do our best to have Chicago Title Co handle it. Where are you??