Pre-construction - Posted by Marc

Posted by Don from Canada on October 08, 2006 at 10:47:51:

A friend of mine put $10,000 down as a deposit on a condo apartment near downtown Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His timing was just right because less than a year later the real estate market got very hot. Prices went up by $100,000 per unit and he’s still holding.
Yup - it works.

Pre-construction - Posted by Marc

Posted by Marc on October 04, 2006 at 23:44:39:

Did anyone buy into this pitch? Just curious if anyone had previous dealings, how much made etc…

Re: Pre-construction - Posted by mary Woods

Posted by mary Woods on October 06, 2006 at 09:53:33:

I’m curious as well. Am very interested yet haven’t found a discussion
about this. Today is last day to sign up. Anyone have experience going on
these tours, the good, the bad, the ugly?