Potential deal. Need help - Posted by Cluelessboy

Posted by Hank FL on March 04, 2004 at 24:26:05:


Potential deal. Need help - Posted by Cluelessboy

Posted by Cluelessboy on March 03, 2004 at 14:24:20:

I ran into this one guy who has a house in foreclosure. House has lots of equity and he’s willing to quit claim it to me. Unfortunately, beside this guy, there’s another guy who’s also on title. We’re trying locate this second owner but could not find him. If for some reason I could not find the 2nd owner, is there anything I could do to profit from this? The house has about 70k in equity and its market price is about 160k.

Re: Potential deal. Need help - Posted by Marcia

Posted by Marcia on March 04, 2004 at 09:04:08:

Go into archives for the year 2003 searching for “skip tracer”, there is a lot of information about cost and websites. Good Luck!