Postcard marketing

Are postcards still a viable method to market to potential sellers? Is the market becoming saturated with everyone sending yellow letters?

I would say yes. I believe that personal mail is coming back since most people don’t have the time or money to spend on this stuff. I always open stuff that is personally addressed to me and that looks interesting.

Postcards and yellow letters both work well still.

I think the key is to always have an intentional and consistent approach to utilize as many lead generation methods as you can based upon budget, time and resources.


Yes, they still work. Anyone who receives a mail in their name will at least open it. You should absolutely do it as part of your marketing efforts. If you’re not getting a good response, the reason would most probably be the quality of leads source you choose to send the yellow letters to.


I wish it were as easy as lead source but that is not the case. I mailed to absentee owners that have been in title since 1997, 1000 square feet or larger, tax value between 50K and 150K. The ownership data is current as of Jan 10th 2013. And yes I am mailing to the owners address.

What source did you use to build your list?

MLS,, etc?



I have a local data provider that allows me to pull my own list.