Possible move to Miami Fl, advice seeked? - Posted by Len(NYC)

Posted by armando verea on November 17, 2001 at 20:14:31:


I read your post and would like to know if you would mind extending the same offer to me regarding a meeting to touch base about rei in Miami. My wife and I are planning to move there this coming Spring. We will be in the area between 12/22- 1/1/02. Thank You.

Possible move to Miami Fl, advice seeked? - Posted by Len(NYC)

Posted by Len(NYC) on October 31, 2001 at 10:19:05:

I plan on soon making a move for the next couple of months to Miami,FL from NYC. A part of it has to do with all these terrorist attacks, and another has to do with just a change. I want to know any advice people can give me to prepare or at least lay down some groundwork prior to moving over there. Whats anyones opinion on doing creative deals in the miami area? Also, has anyone done a major move like this and have it work out for them, what will you do differently if you can do it over. I really dont want to go down there and get another j.o.b.
Im planning on possibly getting a job in a rela estate firm, and possibly going for my license. My true goal will be to get my foot in the door, maybe get some access to the MLS, and learn and network. Im prepared to just use the position at first and hopefully leave it and just do my own thing. Also, I have family to stay with during that time, Im hoping that in two months time I can prove to myself that i can do it, and that I can support myself. Im soon purchasing a car and plan on just driving it down there ,and just trying it out. Im a little scared so any advice will be appreciated.

Re: Possible move to Miami Fl, advice seeked? - Posted by Jason Bailey

Posted by Jason Bailey on November 01, 2001 at 07:42:47:

Miami and South Florida in general is a very good area for real estate. I am on the West Coast of FL in Naples, and would love to do some deals in the Miami metro area. So, I would be envious of you doing them…I think you would be very happy in Miami. There is a lot to do, it’s good for RE investing, and I think it could be a good move for you. Give it a shot…The worst that can happen is you don’t like it. At least you tried though, and that is the mentality you need to succeed in this or any other business…Better to try and fail than to not try at all…

Re: Possible move to Miami Fl, advice seeked? - Posted by Alexander (Fl)

Posted by Alexander (Fl) on October 31, 2001 at 13:21:15:

Miami is a very good market for any kind of real estate. I am in the Coconut Grove area. Feel free to contact me when you’re in town. I’ll be happy to get together with you then.