Please let me know what you thing of this site... - Posted by Bank Negotiator

Posted by John Behle on May 30, 2008 at 20:29:55:

It’s an excellent site as far as design and looks like it has a lot of content. I haven’t heard of Dean, but it looks like he has gained some good expertise in that small area of the note business.

We’ll be covering all that and a hundred other extremely profitable paper techniques in the five day close to 60 hour Advanced Powerhouse Paper event in July.

I’ll be giving my full five day advanced paper course along with 3 exciting additions.

Terry Vaughan, David Butler and another paper pro will be quest instructors. Terry and David have both agreed to be there and we’re hoping Michael Morrongiello. If Michael can’t make it another very seriously qualified pro will be there. We’re just trying to coordinate schedules.

We’re talking over a hundred and ten years of paper experience by true “doers” all packed into one educational event. With just the normal 5 day seminar the common comment is that they feel like they have taken a drink from a firehose.

This might be more like a drink from a Trust Deed Tidal Wave.

There is probably less than 10% of the educators and seminars in the paper industry I would recommend. Yet here we have 4 of the most experienced, qualified educators that have ever been in the industry all in one event.

I’ve wanted to do this for a long time because I highly respect these gentlemen and am excited to share what they have to teach with my students and friends.

Please let me know what you thing of this site… - Posted by Bank Negotiator

Posted by Bank Negotiator on May 30, 2008 at 06:31:04:

I’ve beeen digging around for more information on “buying the note” as your front-end strategy instead of the traditional Short Sale model.

I ran across this site:

The guy has a pretty tight operation going it seems. He’s got a new method of selling courses in that he does them in Webinar Seminars…then he breaks them up and sells the pieces. (Maybe this is the way of the future?)

Anyway…the guy gives away a LOT of the courses for free. I watched like…3 hours of stuff the other day. Much of what he said was the EXACT WORDS of a note-buying friend of mine from Kentucky. In fact, I was wondering if the guy was my friend in disguise using some type of “voice cloaking” software to disguise himself.

Anyway…please dig around on the site and let me know what you think of the concepts being sold.

Financing bad notes example - Posted by John Behle

Posted by John Behle on May 30, 2008 at 22:21:03:

I noticed on Dean’s site that you were asking about financing bad notes.

Just yesterday I detailed one of our bad note deals on a large commercial property that goes right along with your questions and comments. In that case we got the lender to finance the purchase of their own note. It’s on the other newsgroup, so I here is the URL to the example.