phone number? - Posted by SueM-CT

Posted by JD_TX on April 27, 2001 at 01:32:19:

phone number? - Posted by SueM-CT

Posted by SueM-CT on April 25, 2001 at 20:41:12:

Do I NEED to have a 1-800 number or can I use my cell phone number for bandit signs and flyers. My cell phone can take 30 messages and I thought I’d get started and just use that number for now. I was just wondering how strongly people felt about using 1-800 numbers and probably inhibiting police from calling you and telling you not to put up another sign! (hasn’t happened yet - I haven’t put a sign up yet) Thanks in advance!

800 number can be cheap - Posted by Judith

Posted by Judith on April 26, 2001 at 13:06:01:

I think I am in favor of a local # instead of 800# for bandit signs for various reasons already cited. However, if you advertise in an area outside your local calling area, an 800 # can help.
I have 4 toll free #s for various businesses. It didn’t cost me anything to get them and I get a very good rate - 5.5 cents/min, 6 second billing, no other fees. I have to admit I don’t get huge call volumes on these. I see Mike’s point that pennies can add up fast. Whether you use the 800# on bandit signs or not, it’s nice to have one for a business.
If you are still interested in an 800#, here’s the link for the deal I mentioned:

My experiance with 800 numbers - Posted by Mark-NC

Posted by Mark-NC on April 26, 2001 at 08:01:15:

If I were you I wouldn’t get an 800 number just for for protection from the Bandit sign police. Like every one said if they want to find you they will.

About a year ago I tried an 800 number on my advertising and actually got less response. I think the theory being that the caller may have thought they would be dealing with some out of state company rather than a local company or individual that could give them better or quicker service. So I switched back to a regular local number and my calls picked back up again.


Re: phone number? - Posted by Scott Shubert

Posted by Scott Shubert on April 26, 2001 at 24:49:30: will give you multiple phone numbers with your own custom message that you can change daily. You can check voice mail from your computer or through the phone. All free.

Re: phone number? - Posted by Jeffrey Day

Posted by Jeffrey Day on April 25, 2001 at 22:58:44:

If you just want it for voice mail so you can call the prospective clients back (after all, the one that originates the call is in charge of the call) try… It’s free but you can’t customize the message they hear and they have to dial an extension. But what can you expect for nothing?


Re: phone number? - Posted by Dee-Texas

Posted by Dee-Texas on April 25, 2001 at 22:23:43:

Hi Sue,
I’ve enjoyed watching you post.
I have…I haven’t had it long, but for $6 something the number will follow to cell or any other phone, fax, plus many more options.
I know that I will call a toll free number first, so I thought I would try it. You can always cancel.
I don’t have it on my signs but had another piece of plastic made that swings under the sign with the number on it. I can always take it off if I change numbers.
Great Success,

Re: phone number? - Posted by Mike Schmidt

Posted by Mike Schmidt on April 25, 2001 at 21:17:22:

If your just trying to stop the police from knowing who you are because of a phone number…forget it, they are the police after all and have access to that type of info very easy. As for a 800 number I would not spend that kind of money, they can get VERY costly.

Re: 800 number can be cheap - Posted by Ron (MD)

Posted by Ron (MD) on April 26, 2001 at 17:48:44:


I couldn’t get that website address to work. Can you double check it. It sounds like a great deal.


Ron Guy

Re: My experiance with 800 numbers - Posted by Nate(DC)

Posted by Nate(DC) on April 26, 2001 at 08:07:01:

I agree, I’m going with a local voice mail service that could give me a local number.

This had 3 advantages over an 800 number:

  1. Perception that I am local
  2. Cheaper
  3. Local service could give me an “easy to remember” number, such as 423-2323, which is better for bandit signs when people are driving by at 40 MPH!


Re: phone number? - Posted by Chicago Chris

Posted by Chicago Chris on April 26, 2001 at 11:03:05:

Hey Scott,

I use too. But I switched from the free number with an extension to a direct dial number for about $5.00 per month.

Less for people to remember AND since the number doubles as a fax number, you don’t want people to have to understand how to fax to the free extension, i.e., they have to dial the main number, hit pause, then dial the extension. Trust me, people CANNOT figure it out!


Hey! that wasn’t my post - Posted by RussJ

Posted by RussJ on April 25, 2001 at 21:18:56:

I wonder where mine went? hmmm.

Re: 800 number can be cheap - Posted by Joe(NY)

Posted by Joe(NY) on June 05, 2001 at 10:55:20:

Try this.