Performance Mortgage? Bronchicks Forms? - Posted by Ryan B

Posted by Enrique on November 20, 2001 at 22:23:23:


I am not sure what questions you have. I would suggest that you re-read Bill’s course. Go over the contracts and write down specific questions. From there, you can do a few things. If you only have one or two questions, you can e-mail Bill or post them on his web site board. You can also post them on this board. You can also e-mail me and I will do my best to answer your questions. I have been at this for about 18 months so I may not have all your answers.

I hope that helps. Good luck and let us know how your deal goes.

Enrique B. Romano
Integrity Investments

Performance Mortgage? Bronchicks Forms? - Posted by Ryan B

Posted by Ryan B on November 20, 2001 at 20:45:32:

I have a deal I am putting together and I really want to use a Performance Mortgage. I have Bronchicks Course and His forms. The only problem is that I have never used or filled one out before. I want to know the simplest way to explain it to the seller. I have no problem once I understand how it works and what it does for both parties. Any help would be greatly apperciated.